Marc Sund - Galerie Extrawurst - Augsburg Germany

"Worshipper" FineArt Print - Editions

FineArt Print of Marc Sund's Digital Artwork | FineArt Druck von Marc Sund's digitalem Kunstwerk
12-Color FineArt Print
200gsm Hahnemühle FineArt Paper
Size: 30 x 25cm or 60 x 50cm
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12-Farb FineArt Druck
200gr Hahnemühle FineArt Papier
Größe: 30 x 25 cm oder 60 x 50cm
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Frame not included
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A Tale of Faegirlund:
In the forest at the end of Tala's road live some giant worshipers. Although these ancient creatures never set foot into the small neighborhood at the outskirts of the town, they sometimes frighten children even from far away. Tala is not afraid anymore. She only watches them fanatic old giants purely out of interest. If children start to cry in the neighborhood, Tala's father chases the religious giants out of sight. That's easily done. Despite their intimidating appearance, these ancient giants are quite afraid of any kind of new technology. Advanced technology is something this crumbling society has plenty of. Tala's father, Syn, usually flies his drone into the forest or asks one of the AI-bots close by to approach the giants. This makes them turn away relatively quickly, considering their size. Normally, Tala's father doesn't pay any attention to those ancients. Even while cycling to work through the forest, he just passes them, unimpressed. Syn knows these ancient worshipers are just a relic of a long gone society of far more religious times. Only a few of them remained, and they are not aggressive, unlike many other creatures in Faegirlund. These worshipers only provoke bad weather with their religious curses. For Syn, these energetic weather fronts they provoke are actually kind of welcomed. The wave-receivers on the roof of his house are excited by bad weather and fill the energy storage in the basement within minutes. Only the missionary objectives pursued by the ponderous old giants with their religious dogmas are not always harmless. Their religious chants can be heard across the country. Rarely is a person deceived by those chants these days. In the old days, there were millions who followed their dogmas. If one is deceived, it usually ends in pathological fanaticism.

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